Business Ethics & CSR Sem 5 ATKT Exam Resources April 2014


All chapter notes can be downloaded from: ETHICS NOTES

Tips to study BE: How to study ethics subject?

Easy way to study business ethics concepts: Important concepts
Important Questions to prepare for exams:
  1. Normative ethics,
  2. applied ethics,
  3. ethics vs law,
  4. egoism vs altruism,
  5.  imp of business ethics,
  6. purushartha,
  7. ethics in it,
  8. merits of corporate governance,
  9. regulatory framework for corporate governance,  clause 49,
  10. whistle blowing,
  11. arguments for and against csr,
  12. csr towarss various groups,
  13. sustainable development,
  14. triple bottom line

Long answers:-

  1. Explain Purshartha in detail? Does Pursharta exist in reality today?
  2. Does the study on Business Ethics is restricted to books only ? Provide your views on the same
  3.  Do you agree an manger can never be an Entrepreneur but an entrepreneur can be manager ? Justify
  4. “External stake holders are more important than internal stake holders” justify the given statement?
  5. Highlight the recently opened scam of NSEL? What were the main reasons for the happening of this scam?
  6. Explain the ethical standard in global Marketing?
  7. What are the Unethical Practices followed in advertising of a product ? Highlight the most unethical advertising according to you ?

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