Business Ethics Prelims Question Paper 2014 by Ganesha Classes



   2 ½ Hours                                          Ganesha Classes                              Total Marks:75


N.B.:      1)      Q.1. to Q.4. having internal option.

         2)   All Questions are compulsory

         3)   Write new questions on new Page, continue sub-question from same page.




Q.1.  a)   Define Ethics? How it differ from law?                                                                              (08)

  1. b) Write a Short notes on – Normative Ethics.                                                                        (07)




Q.1.  p)   Explain the measures to improve Ethical Conduct of Business.                                        (08)

  1. q) Discuss the Ethical Principles in Employment?                                                                   (07)



Q.2.  a)   Explain the Mechanism of Corporate Governance.                                                             (08)

  1. b) Discuss the Narayan Murthy Committee Report.                                                                (07)




Q.2.  p)   Write a Short note on Audit Committee                                                                             (08)

  1. q) Elaborate the disclosure for the listing agreement as per clause 49.                                    (07)




Q.3. a)   Define CSR? Explain the scope and Model of CSR.                                                          (08)

  1. b) Explain the rights of shareholders.                                                                                      (07)




Q.3.  a)  Mention the surveys done by different research organisation in regard to CSR Initiative (08)

  1. b)   Briefly explain the process model for managing corporate responsibility.             (07)


Q.4.  a)   What is The Bottom Line (TBL) Discuss briefly?                                                               (08)

  1. b) Write  in details Contemporary Social Issues?                                                                    (07)




Q.4.  a)   Define CSR Initiative? Explain the Benefit and Drawback of CSR Initiative?                 (08)

  1. b) Mention the areas to look into for Employee Safety.                                                          (07)


Q.5. Case Study

Mr. Vir Sinha, M.D. Natural Beverages Ltd., Was looking at the “AD Punch line” created by his product manager Jatin Shah. He was taken aback by the claim that their new product “NATU-RAS” energy drink is “The best fitness plan for your health real fruit and no sugar”.

Jatin Shah, the product manager, was little uneasy when asked by his M.D. as to how we can claim “Best health plan drink” when they know that there are preservatives and permissive food colours. Jatin defended by saying that all shampoo and hair oil advertisements also make similar hyper claims as a mode of communicating superiority of their respective brands.

  1. Discuss how in this case the question of ethics in advertising has been linked to persuasive product communication for ‘NATU-RAS’                                     (08)
  2. What ethical advice you will give to Mr. Vir Sinha to develop a persuasive advertisement, without compromising on the ethical aspects of advertising.                                                             (07)





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