Business ethics Question Bank


Question 3

This is a list of questions for “Business Ethics and Corporate Governance” which has appeared in the university papers of (Banking & Insurance Sem 6). Since, this subject is new to the bms sem 5 syllabus. We can get an idea from the university papers questions.

5mks (Short Notes):-

1) Unfair trade practices
2) M.R.T.P Commission
3) Role of Directors in Corporate Governance
4) Role of Auditor in Corporate Governance
5) Insider trading
6) Restrictive trade practices outside the purview of the Act
7) Evolution of Corporate Governance In India
8) Characteristics of Fraudsters
9) Remuneration / Compensation Committee
10) Disclosure norms

10 marks-

1) Explain the importance of Business ethics and corporate governance
2) Explain the role of corporate governance in the financial sector
3) What are the characteristics of fraudsters?
4) How business ethics be an important tool in building business reputation?
5) What are the social responsibilities of business? How it can be achieved by a business enterprise?
6) How corporate governance enhances business prospects?
7) Briefly explain the term “Fraud”.
8) What is corruption? How it impacts the society?
9) What is the code of conduct of business houses?
10) Who are responsible for the corruption, frauds and scams in financial institutions?
11) Explain the need of corporate governance?
12) State the frauds committed with the help of a computer.
13) Write a note on corruption and suggest appropriate remedies.
14) Explain the objectives set up by Confederation of Indian Industries.
15) Write in detail your views on ethics and morality
16) Corporate governance and business ethics
17) Recommendations of Kumar Mangalam Committee Report on Corporate Governance
18) What is the role of MRTP Commission?
19) Briefly state recommendations made by Cadbury Committee.
20) State the differences between unfair trade practices and restrictive trade practices
21) Definition of fraud under Indian penal code and Indian contract act
22) Explain the various ways by which frauds can averted
23) What is code of conduct? Explain briefly the code of ethics which is laid down by IRDA
24) Explain SEBI guidelines for good corporate governance
25) Role of directors in enforcing good corporate governance
26) Corporate governance and shareholder’s responsibilities
27) What is Business ethics?
28) Explain the term ‘computer crimes’. What are the measures taken for prevention of these crimes?


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  1. Hi sir,
    I am shiv student of tybms
    I have 2 kt’s in 5th sem
    Subject ethic and service marketing
    Can you plz send me important question for for the subject …

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