Business Ethics Question Bank 2013 – Shreya Classes


Chapter 1st Introduction to Business Ethics

Q1)  Short Notes:

(1) Professional Ethics & Personal Ethics.

(2) Morality vs. Legality.

Q2) Brief Questions:

(1) Define Business Ethics. What are its Features?

(2) How Ethical principles applied in a Business goes to strengthen business reputation?


Chapter 2nd Ethical Organism and Corporate Ethics

Q1) Shorts Notes:

(1) Relativism, Subjectivism & absolutism.

(2) Ethical issues in advertising.

Q2) Brief Questions:

(1) Critical evaluate Ethics in Finance & Accounts.

(2) Explain Reasons for why a Company has a code of ethics.


Chapter 3th Business Ethics Conceptual Framework

Q1) Short Notes:

(1) Meta-ethics.

(2) Utilitarian ethics.

(3) Applied Ethics.

(4) Normative Ethics.



Q2) Brief Questions:

(1) Explain various Ethical Theories.

(2) Explain Ethical Obligations of a Business unit.

(3) Business units Responsibilities towards Stakeholders.


Chapter 4th Indian and Global Perspective of Ethics

Q1) Short Notes:

(1) International labour Organization Standard.

(2) Work Discrimination.

(3) Child Labour.

Q2) Brief Questions:

(1) Distinguish Indian and Western Culture.

(2) ILO conventions in India & Reasons for non-ratification.

(3) Frauds using computers and types of internet frauds. ( In banks)


Chapter 5th Recent Trends in Ethical Progress

Q1) Short Note:

(1) Green Marketing.

(2) Deep Ecology.

Q2) Brief Questions:

(1) Explain Steps taken in India for Environment Ethics.

(2) Explain ethical concepts as to Water Pollution & Land pollution.

(3) Explain Environmental audit & It’s Global Imp


Chapter 6th Corporate Governance Overview

Q1) Shorts Notes:

(1) Corporate Governance.

(2) Non-Executive Directors.

(3) Agency theory of Corporate Governance.

Q2) Brief Questions:

(1) Explain Need & Scope for Corporate Governance

(2)  Role of CEO and Excutive Director for Framing Good Corpoarte Goverance.

(3) Explain the Role of Corporate Whistle-Blowers in Corporate Governance.


Chapter 7th Corporate Governance in Financial Sector

Q1) Short Notes:

(1) Fraud In Banks with Example

(2) Corruption

Q2) Brief Questions:

(1) Protection of interest of customers and investors

(2) Explain Corporate Governance in Bankng & Insurance sector


Chapter 8th Corporate Governance in recent trends

Q1) Shorts Notes:

(1) Explain Audit committee

(2) Explain Remuneration committee

(3) Explain Nomination Committee

(4) What are the Measures taken by RBI towards corporate governance?


Chapter 9th Corporate Social Responsibility Overview

Q1) Shorts Notes:

(1) Role and Responsibility of government towards business

Q2) Brief Questions:

(1) Explain Scope of CSR

(2) Explain Value Approach to CSR with Example

(3) Explain Labour relations of Corporate

(4) Discuss the Role and Responsibilities of Society in CSR with Example


Chapter 10th CSR-Global and Indian Perspective

Q1) Shorts Notes:

(1) TBL/3BL

(2) Carrols Pyramid

Q2) Brief Questions:

(1) Explain Significance of CSR in contemporary society with Example

(2) Explain Triple Bottom Line



Chapter 11th Corporate Social Responsibility- Recent Trends

Q1) Shorts Notes:

(1) Public Sector Enterprises and CSR

(2) Ecological Balance

(3) Sustainable Development

Q2) Brief Questions:

(1) Does CSR make a difference with Example.

(2) Explain Social audits.


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