Business Houses – The Sinopec Group



Sinopec Group ,as listed by Forbes Magazine is the 5th largest company in sales in the world . Sinopec Limited was established as a joint stock entity under the China Petrochemical Corporation Group (Sinopec Group) in February 2000. Sinopec’s business includes oil and gas exploration, refining, and marketing; production, chemical fibers, chemical fertilizers .

Sinopec Group endured criticism in 2004 regarding extraction of oil in southern Gabon,the impacts on wild animals such as gorillas . Sinopec  redid its environmental study in 2007,with help from the World Wildlife Foundation,and started production of oil in more environmental methods.  2 explosions occurred in China killing close to 50 people .

Sinopec has acquired stakes in companies such as Apache Corporation of Egypt,North Sea Properties,Galp Energia’s Brazilian unit . Here,they invested 5.2 billion dollars .

Their CSR responsibilities include climate change,employee development,energy . Their core principle being “ Make every drop Count”.

 – Shlohmoh Divekar




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