Business is like a War!


BUSINESS IS LIKE WAR———Doesn’t this statement make you to think that is there going to be world war-3……..

Business in today’s economy is a power to increase a country’s economy and there could be a heavily increase in GDP. Business is now a war for rivals. It’s a war between companies and not countries. Nationality, company, or any other type is not a matter to effect but there is always a competition ready. Competitors always are there to think how to beat the other one. Now there are no safe-havens. After all the learning about organizational climate, the reconstruction, coordination still there are executives who want to fight till their last breaths.

In life or death situation, business is just like war. Both have to discover plan and generate new ideas to defeat the rival. Both want to succeed the competition.

The key objective in competition – whether business or war – is to improve your organization’s performance along these dimensions:
• To generate better information than your rivals do
• To analyze that information and make sound choices
• To make those choices quickly
• To convert strategic choices into decisive action
Together they represent informed choice/timely action.

So these purely show that business is also nevertheless like war.

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I am Dhara Shah, a BMS graduate, a friendly person with a happy go lucky nature but cannot stand by lies in front of me, sometimes stubborn as well. I am fun loving kinda person and talkative too.


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