Business Law, also known as Commercial Law is a broad area of law which covers many aspects that governs how to start, buy, manage and close or sell any type of business. Business law includes state and federal laws as well as administrative regulations. Practicing a Business Law question paper online helps you to improve your ability to attend the semester exam with ease.
Here we present Business Law Practice Question Paper 1:
Q.1 Answer the following. (any 2) (15)
- What is contract? Explain the essential of a contract.
- What is offer & what are different kinds of offer?
- Explain the rules regarding consideration?
Q.2 Answer the following. (any 2) (15)
- Briefly explain the implied condition in a contract of sale.
- Explain the essential features of constant of sale.
- What are the rights of unpaid seller.
Q.3 Answer the following. (any 2) (15)
- What are various unfair trade practice.
- What is promissory note? Explain essential of promissory note.
- Distinguished between Cheque & bills of exchange.
Q.4 Answer the following. (any 2) (15)
- What is prospectus? Explain its contents.
- What is Memorandum of Association? Explain contents of Memorandum of Association.
- Distinguished between private company and public company.
Q.5 Write short note on (15)
- Types of companies.
- “acceptance” as per contact act
- “warranties” as per sale of goods act.