Business Plan Outline


Executive Summary

ü  The opportunity

ü  The team

ü  The risk and rewards

Mission Statement/ Purpose /Company Background

ü  Develop a unique product for a fast growing market place

ü  What is you unique value proposition

ü  Your key customers and competition

ü  Creating shareholders value

Team Structure and Organizational Structure

ü  Describe staff background, management team and board

ü  Education, skills, work experience

ü  Describe organizational structure (Tall, flat, organic)

ü  Describe wider network of experts, legal, accounting

Product Service or Process

ü  Describe product attributes

ü  Match product with market opportunities

ü  Purchasing and operation systems

Marketing Analysis and Industry

ü  Describe the industry and market trends

ü  Customer demographics and meeting customer needs

ü  How to serve different market segments

ü  Competition and new entrants

ü  Future growth opportunities

Marketing and Sales Strategy

ü  Marketing plan – direct sales or low cost distribution

ü  Deal directly with customers or use agents

ü  Advertising, promotion, internet to drive sales


ü  Product development procedures and cost

ü  Manufacturing, outsourcing, production costs

ü  How do you buy from suppliers (supply chain management)

ü  Coordinating R&D, production, inventory, marketing and sales


ü  Sales revenue and profitability

ü  Cash flow and balance sheet

ü  Working capital requirements


ü  Taking advantage of an opportunity

ü  Great team and management to execute the business

ü  Estimated profits, ROI, and growth potential



ü Resume, patents, brochures, testimonials


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Adelyne Britto
I am a BMS graduate from Mumbai University. Currently enrolled for the MBA program in Tourism from James Cook University (Australia). I Am a fast learner and hardworking individual. I love to work with people from different backgrounds and Culture. Aspiring to be successful Manager in an organization in near future.


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