CA Exams postponed due to paper leak!


The CA (Chartered Accountant) examination which had to be held on Wednesday i.e. 15th May has been postponed due to the paper leakage in Mumbai University. The paper leakage has gone viral. The nation wide CA exam has been pushed behind as the wrong question paper given out in a city college on Monday afternoon. Close to 1.37 lakh students are taking the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India’s (ICAI) Intermediate (Integrated Professional Competence) Course that is a level below the CA final exam. The Information Technology and Strategic Management paper, which was to be held on Wednesday have been rescheduled for May 24 as one exam centre at Mittal College, Malad, carelessly gave it out to candidates on Monday instead of Auditing and Assurance paper. ICAI president Subodh Kumar Agrawal said “We have now pushed Wednesday’s exam to a new date across India. It cannot be held on Wednesday as some aspirants managed to see the question paper in one exam centre on Monday,” said. The college authorities informed the ICAI about the happenings, which directed the college to go back to the bank and collect the correct question paper so that Monday’s exam could be conducted. The exam supervisor made a dash to the bank, picked up the right paper bundle and the question books were distributed to student at 2.45pm, following which the exam began at 3pm, an hour later than the scheduled time.




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