Percentage Spread Calculations :
1) 1 USD = CAD 2.2190 – 02
Calculate percentage spread
2) 100 INR = USD 3.6150 – 20
Calculate percentage spread
3) USD / SGD 2.2359 – 10
GBP / SGD 1.8665 – 80
Calculate GBP / USD quotations
Establish relationship between three quotations in terms or percentage spread.
4) Mean rate GBP / INR 87.6500
and spread = 0.0130 spread = 0.0048%
Calculate percentage of spread and GBP / INR quotations.
5) Flat rate USD / AUD 2.1385 and spread = 09 points % spread = 0.0794%
Calculate percentage spread and USD / AUD quotation.
6) Average rate EUR / SEK 9.0062 and spread = 90% = 1.1000%
Calculate percentage spread and EUR / SEK quotations.
7) ASK rate USD / CEF 2.0418 and spread = 20 points percentage spread = 0.3000%
Calculate USD / CHF quotations and percentage spread.
8) ____ rate EUR 2.8673 and spread = 0.0028
Calculate EUR / CHF quotation and percentage spread.
9) Mid rate USD / EUR 0.6108
Percentage spread = 0.0620%
Calculate spread and USD / EUR quotation.
10) Spread = 0.0041 and percentage spread = 0.0810%
Calculate mid rate and the USD / CHF quotation.
Calculate Percentage Spread
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