Can AAP Provide Good Governance To Delhi People?



BJP leader Harshvardhan using the floor of the State Assembly launched an aggressive offensive against both AAP and Congress and said that neither of the political parties can provide good governance to the Delhi people.

“Before elections,Arvind Kejriwal said vote for the most honest party, and the people of Delhi gave the most seats to the BJP and its allies i.e. 32. The BJP was instrumental in exposing the corruption of the Congress. Kejriwal has joined hands with those whom he earlier promised to send behind bars. You (AAP) can ally with most corrupt party, but, you will protest if we look for allies for Modiji’s government at the centre in the future,” Harshvardhan said.

AAP’s Delhi government has been formed only with some vested interests and requires the support of 8 more MLAs to cross the half way mark of the 70-Member Delhi Assembly.

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