Can online assessment of answersheets be introduced for BMS exams?


Mumbai University is experimenting not only with BMS students by last minute course changes but also with stream students.

MU has launched a project for online assessment of answersheets with engineering exams this year. After the success of this project, it will be extended to other courses.

Although colleges are apprehensive about the smooth implementation of the project but still the university is in talks with software companies to provide technology for the process.

The system will require university officials to scan the answersheets and upload them. The papers will then be accessed by teachers for evaluation using a password. Sources claim that every sheet will have submit and edit tabs. A column on the left side of every page will be meant for the teachers to add scores.

Teachers can even go back to the page and edit the scores if need be, added the source.

Teachers will be able to evaluate the papers from home once the system is introduced, reducing the travelling costs. Engineering faculty is chosen over others for the pilot project as they are well versed with technology claimed an official.

For principals of many colleges, it doesn’t seem to be a foolproof system and there are chances of inaccuracy as well.

What’s your views if the same system is introduced for BMS exams?

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