Can TYBMS Sem 5 CBSGS 2013-14 Results Be Expected On 1 February 2014?


Much has been said, written, gossiped, rumored about BMS results…. but what we as BMS students have got in return from Mumbai University is “Babaji Ka Thullu”…

Having awaited for the results since more than 20 days, we BMSites feel it is it is it is it is it is it is it is it is totally UNFAIR UNFAIR UNFAIR to have not been informed officially by MU about the results declaration date.

We had heard that it would be on 15th jan then some colleges claimed that paper-checking is not completed, so it would be in the end of January 2014 and ab toh January bhi khatam ho gaya……

When will we get results???

When do we start preparation for Sem 6 exams???

When will we get time to prepare for ATKT exams???

WTH is being done with our results???

Is today the D-day???

Or as again a rumor that the results would take a week more time to get declareD????

Why can’t we get a proper results declaration date from MU in advance???

Questions are endless but there is no official spokesperson to give us an answer/reply.


P.S. This post is written just to represent how frustrated we BMS students have become and how badly its affecting our college life and mental health.


You may also want to read:

News of TYBMS Sem 5 CBSGS Results 2013-14 as on 27th January 2014

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  1. Its high time now…plz give the exact date atleast….everytime we visit this site we see something or the news about the results.. but wat we want is not there and all we get to know is “results are expected expected expected” …supremely irritated :/

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