Can You Be Trusted?


Trust, it’s the base of any relationship. The person can be trusted only when we have gained full faith on him/her. Trust once broken can never be regained. Trust cannot be forced upon anyone it is to be gained by ourselves. Trust is the only thing which bonds each other. Breaking each other’s trust would let to the world become more arrogant and self obsessed. As MAHATMA GANDHI said “AN EYE FOR AN EYE WOULD MAKE THE WHOLE WORLD BLIND”. I would say that “TRUSTING EACH OTHER WOULD MAKE THE WHOLE WORLD UNITE”

Many relationships don’t last too long due to lack of trust on each other. Just imagine this situation, your partner trusts you but one of your friends says that she is not trust worthy. What would you do in such situation?             

1. Call up your partner and say that the relation is over and tell her never to show her face

2. Understand the situation and find out who the other guy is

3. Make a call to your partner and ask him/er the truth

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Most of us would prefer the first option as we have more trust on our best friends because they have been with us throughout the ages. But do we have the courtesy to ask our partner and let her give her opinion.  Trust is like a still water. The moment the drop of doubtfulness falls on it, the water gets wrinkled and takes time to get settled back. We must trust upon each other in order to get love and make relationship stronger enough. Life has settled many differences for everyone. But to leave or to carry on rests on our shoulders. Trusting others would be better only if we trust ourselves. If we have no trust on ourselves, we don’t have the right to blame on others. 

When we have two friend’s we must always check this out. If the first two are trustworthy person then too the group often ends up fighting then we are the true culprit. Backing off at the correct time would lead to many fights and misunderstanding being avoided.




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Kabeer Rath


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