Can You Fall In Love The 2nd Time?


Love is just a word these days. Love is a tattoo these days just for teenagers. Love is a beautiful feeling that feeling that makes your world go upside down in a good way. Love is between two hearts two minds and two souls coming together to become one. Love is one of the most powerful forces. They say love can change anything in the world. Can love change you? To a certain extend love can change you. If you love somebody you change yourself a little bit just to fit into their world and be someone they want to love more and more. But isn’t love about accepting the person as they are and at the same time the freedom of being you.

Love is something that existed in our grandparent’s times. But they were not allowed to express it in front of everybody. Love that time was marriage. Love was being together through thick and thin. That firm decision of being together no matter what. Love was not just a word or action. The Hindi cinema showed us what love is. Love is sacrifize, trust, loyalty and much more. Today’s Bollywood shows us love is the freedom to do what you want and loving whom you want. Even if he is your father’s age you call it love, or if she’s your daughter’s age it is love. Is it really that way in practical life? May be yes may be no. it’s all about a person’s perception. How do you know its love? How do you even know its true love? How many times do we fall in love?

Love seems confusing for the ones who have never experienced it. For the ones who have experienced say it hurts, while the others say it is a beautiful feeling with both good and bad. You fall in love someday with someone. You term it as love. What we call true love. You start of as being friends and slowly enjoy each other’s company and one find day you say those three magical words that she wants to here and there you go “I LOVE YOU”. She’s speechless you don’t know if she would say yes. You don’t know that very moment what the future holds for you. But you don’t care for the moment you just want to hear here whispering “I love you too”. When she does you seal it with a kiss.

You spend hours thinking about her and how she would look this evening for dinner. You think about what she would be doing at this very hour when she is away from you. Is this the feeling of true love? You don’t know if it is for real all you know is that you are happy and yes indeed she is the reason behind your happiness. She is the love of your life. At first she seemed as different from you just as opposite as you are. But still you fall for her. You respect the differences and appreciate the similarities. She becomes a part of you. She becomes a part of your life and may be the most important part that is now very difficult to separate. You both plan to get married and it is the most awaited day of your life.

Despite all the fights and the crisis your relationship had to go through, you still stick together and she still the one you love and the one you want to spend the rest of your life with. She is your soul mate now that you have married. When you have a family and at the birth of your children you lose her. You didn’t not even have the slightest clue that you would lose her. Although she knew that there were complications. You are shattered, you feel like s selfish skunk. In that one moment your life is all shattered and broken. How can you say goodbye to the one you never want to get away from. That’s love that was true love. You continue to live your life and knowing she’s alive in your heart.

Your parents force you to remarry and bring a mother for the children. How difficult will it be for you to bring in another lady who would treat your kids like your own and what about loving her? That’s when the quest arises can love happen twice? Will you bring in the love for another woman? Can you convince your heart to love again? What about men who have loved their wives truly and they wives have just left them for property and gone to another man? The same woman who was once in love with you today is in love with another man just because he has a big bungalow and 2big cars whereas you just a 2BHK flat and one small swift car. The hurt that you feel, when all this happens to you. It is more of the bitterness and the guilt. Whenever something good happens you fear that something bad will happen it is call cherophobia. Cherophobia is a fear of not being too happy because you fear something worst will happen. Life is all about moving on. We all do find love at some or the other stage. We all will find someone someday and sometime. We must just keep faith and hope. Always keep loving and one find day love will come walking to you. Eventually love will find its own way. And yes love can happen twice, it can happen the 2nd time. Everything doesn’t go perfectly the first time life gives us a second chance and when life does we must grab the opportunity. Starting a new and relieving the same feelings are difficult but they are not impossible. You share a different feeling with the different person. Sometimes if you are lucky the same person might come back to you and with a self-realization it’s up to you to take them back or no. if you still love them then go for it if you don’t then it’s your time to say goodbye to them. Love can happen the 2nd time may be with the same person but in a slightly different manner and it could be even more beautiful than it was before.


BY Carren bryne.

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