Career in Creative Writing


1) Creative writing is associated with in-born talent supplemented with learning writing skills.

2) A good writer has to be a communicator as writing is about the documentation of facts and expression.

3) Eligibility: 12th Pass

4) The minimum duration of the course is 1 year to maximum 4 years.

5) Many Institutes offer courses in creative writing, namely, Diploma in Creative Writing, PG certificate in radio writing, PG Diploma in translation through distance learning mode.

6) PG Diploma is divided into 5 parts, namely, General Principles of Writing, Feature Writing, Short story Writing, Writing for media – radio and television and poetry writing.

7) Students also have Project work which shows how much they learnt and how they practically applied what they learnt.

8) Students are taught to write book reviews, travel articles, interviews, writing for children and develop stories on their own.

9) Contemporary styles of writing and language are taught in order to keep pace with the modern trends and practices of publishing houses and the media organizations.

10) Many types of writing skills have emerged such as technical writing, writing for websites, writing for CDs, films and writing for television.

11) The opportunities exists in the fields of book publishing, print and electronic journalism, copywriting for advertising and other media, writing for periodicals and journals.

12) Book Publishing Industry and Ad agencies recruits creative writers. Editors commission successful writers to contribute to their publications. Newspapers and magazines are always looking out for reporters/journalists with the right skills. Publishers float proposals for books, once they realize that th writer can produce excellent manuscripts.

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