Career Options after HSC Commerce


1) BMS (Management) Careers:
Human Resource Management,
Brand Management,
Event Management,
International business management,
Market Research Management,
Retail Management,
Marketing And Sales Management,
Technology management,
Disaster management,
Education management,
NGO management,
Rural Management,
Operation And Logistics Management,
Export Management,
Family business management,
Material management,
Financial Management,
Business Development Management

2) BAF (Bachelors in Accounting and Finance) Careers:
Chartered Accountant,
Cost And Work Accountant,
Certified Financial Analyst,
Certified financial planner
Company Secretary

3) BBI (Bachelors in Banking and Insurance) Careers:
Retail / personal banking,
Corporate banking,
Merchant banking,
Treasury group,
Rural banking,
Product management,
Loans executive
Actuarial Science,
Insurance and Risk management,
Insurance surveyor,
Insurance surveyor,
Insurance agent

4) BFM (Bachelors in Financial Markets) Careers:
Equity Research Analyst,
Investment Banker,
Mutual fund executive,
Stock Broker,
Capital market manager,
Forex Dealer,
Venture Capitalist,
Real estate

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