Career options in Photography


(1)    Portrait photography: It is about taking pictures of individuals or groups including children, pets, families groups, etc. in which personality, face and expression is prevalent. A portrait often illustrates a person looking directly at the camera in a still position.  Family portraits are for special occasions, such as weddings or other family functions.
(2)    Industrial photography: It includes photographs of products, machinery, merchandise, industrial layout, employees at work to be used for company brochures, reports or other publications and for advertising and selling.
(3)    Photo Journalism / Press Photography:  Press Photography is related to pictures provided to press which are relevant to daily news and events. Photo journalism when associated with reporting it is more powerful and rewarding.
(4)    Advertising photography: It is performed by advertising agencies, design studios or corporate design team to showcase the products or services to sell. Only a talented photographer can make simple products look great by applying his creative ideas to its presentation style and display layout.
(5)    Aerial photography: In aerial photography, pictures are taken not from ground, but from air. Camera is not supported by any ground based platform rather placed on aircraft, helicopter, balloon, parachute, etc. Photographers can carry the camera in their own hands and take snaps or it can be triggered remotely or automatically.
(6)    Fashion Photography: It is performed for advertisement of fashion items like clothing, shoes, etc. by advertising agencies or fashion houses or conducted by fashion magazines. Photographers shot these photo at different type of locations, follow many creative themes and storylines. They should have latest knowledge about fashion trends and maintain good relations with fashion companies and models.

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