CAT 2015 analysis and review


CAT 2015 review

Verbal 1(34 questions).
Major surprise was high weightage given to Reading Comprehension (RCs). 24 Questions on RC spread over 5 passages were easy to attempt.

The other 10 questions were non- MCQs and focused on Parajumbles, Odd Man Out parable and Summary Questions. No questions on Grammar and Vocabulary took a few students by surprise.

DI& Logic : Students broke into a sweat trying to solve these 32 questions . Difficulty level of this section matched CAT 2007 when CAT was toughest.

Quantitative Aptitude : Was pretty standard and easy. Except for 5-6 questions on Quadratic and Functions, rest were pretty doable. There were 15 non- MCQ questions which required students to step-by-step solve these questions instead of relying on options.

Overall Attempt Analysis

Verbal : 25-27 attempts
DILR : 14-16 attempts
Quant : 25-27 attempts

Total : Approx 65-67 attempts with 85% accuracy should fetch students a 97 percentile.

Overall CAT2015 was a success – a well-set paper to test candidates matched by on-ground execution of administrating the test to 2 lakh candidates in a single day !!

Author: Hemang Panchmatia is the director of Credence Academy.

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