How India Turned Into A Modi-Fied India


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In last 60 years of Indian independence for the first time NDA government was selected by a majority in anonymous general elections in the 2014. The win of NDA was not by stroke of luck, but a well strategized implementation and several drawbacks of UPA.

Not many may deny that the victory was a reason of ‘Modi wave’ that spread across the nation and was responsible for single handed victory of the NDA. It could be logical analysis that people would have casted their vote under impression “MODI” and not respective candidate.

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The major reasons for breathtaking victory are:

Gujarat growth model for past 15 years was enough prove to judge what the man is capable of and the Kedarnath rescue operation undertaken by the man lone headedly in other state to save 15000 victims was more than sufficient to vote blindly.

Other setback of ruling party was the inappropriate governance and bureaucracy, which made the officers to take undue advantage of their position which in turn lead to huge scams and unfair practices.  Also the impotent legal system that failed to punish several criminals; lead to agitation.

Modest background of Prime Minister Candidate ensuring equal aggression and also mental stability and maturity impressed the public.  Also the 2 years campaign of consistent campaign all over India did the trick for NDA.

Educated voters and rising youth over whom Modi had casted the spell during election campaign was also equally efficient way ensuring victory.

Media motivation: how can one ignore the strong campaign that was initiated by social networking sites and word to mouth publicity. Everyone was bizarre with the fact “apki baar Modi sarkar.”

Finally fed up of single rule for half a century, people thought now or never, got to street and led to the downfall of the ruling side.  (Thus proving the mortality even amongst the Lords.)

However heavy responsibility is bestowed upon NDA to keep the public confidence (and God forbid) in case they fail to procure a strong government, people would dare not trust anyone hence in the future. Good luck Modi Sir.


                                                                                                                                                -Vibhav Galadagekar

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