CBSE Class 12 Compartment And Class 10 Improvement Examination Dates Declared



CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) Class 12 Compartment Examination 2014 and Class 10 Improvement Examination Dates have been declared.

Such exams are conducted so that students can improve their grades and scores.  Candidates can check the grade sheet at the official website of CBSE I.e.


For Class 10 Improvement Exam:

Exams will be from 16 July 2014 to 22 July 2014.

Students who scored E grade or D grade but wish to improve the grades can appear for these exams.

Students will get only 1 chance to appear in improvement exam.


For Class 12 Compartment Exam:

The exam will be held only on 16 July 2014.

Students are allowed to appear only in those subjects in which they have been placed in compartment at the Second Chance Compartmental Examination to be held in March/April next year.

For subjects involving practical work, in case the candidate has passed in practical at the main examination he/she shall appear only in theory part and previous practical marks will be carried forward and accounted for.

In case a candidate has failed in practical he/she shall have to appear in theory and practical both irrespective of the fact that he/she has already cleared the theory examination.


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