CBSE is going to conduct Proficiency Test 2014 for students who are going to appear in CBSE Class X Board Exams in March 2014. The test is optional in nature and will be conducted in the duration of 14-18 April 2014.
The Proficiency Test will be conducted for all the five main subjects of Class X i.e. English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science and Hindi based on the syllabus of IX and X as prescribed by CBSE. There will be a separate test for every subject and only a single test will be held on a single day.
Each question paper will carry multiple choice questions of total 100 marks and the time limit of 2.5 hours. There will be negative marking for wrong answers; so students are advised to attempt only those questions they are sure of.
Procedure for online submission of List of candidates is available on the CBSE website. The last date for submitting the online information is 31 January 2014.
For more information, check the official notification here.