CCTVs at Chetana College


Chetana College in Bandra, where a girl died after being stabbed by her classmate a fortnight ago, will soon have CCTVs on its campus, a plan initiated before the incident. The college is currently trying to distract students’ attention from the tragedy, by involving them in extra-curricular activities.

The college is undergoing infrastructural work for a while and planned to set up CCTV cameras at several locations on the campus, said professor Shivprasad, co-ordinator for self-finance courses at the college. “CCTVs have always been part of our infrastructural development. It is not an initiative that was thought about now,” he said.

On December 22, a third-year BMS student Nikhil Bankar stabbed his friend Payal Balsara and killed himself. Payal succumbed to her injuries three days later. The incident happened in the college premises on the staircase leading to the second floor of the building. The entire college was shattered by the deaths of two students within three days.

Full-time counsellors are speaking to students. Shivprasad added, “The college will organise the inter-collegiate BMS festival soon to keep students busy.”


Source: The Times of India

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