CEED Results 2015 Scorecards To Be Available From 22nd January 2015


CEED Results

CEED is an all India exam that evaluates the candidate’s aptitude for design, involving visual perception ability, drawing skills, logical reasoning, creativity and communication skills.


In order to check the results, the candidates should log in to the official website, the link for which is here: http://www.gate.iitb.ac.in/ceed2015/index.html

Steps to check result:
The candidates should log in to the official website;
Click on ‘CEED 2015 Results’ link;
Login with the registered email ID and password;
The results will be displayed on the screen.

Candidates should note that qualifying in CEED is not a guarantee to admission in any programme. The candidates will have to apply in respective institutes for admission and fulfill other requirements such as tests and interviews of the respective design departments for admission.

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