Celebrate 1 May 2014 – May Day, Beltane, Floralia, Spring Fertility Festival, International Labour Day



 On 1st May 2014, various festivals are celebrated all over the world. i.e. May Day, Beltane, Floralia, Spring Fertility Festival, International Labour Day or International Workers’ Day etc.
Here we present the brief meaning of all these festivals:
1) Beltane is the Festival of Light:
It is celebrated by British Celts, welcoming the death of Winter and birth of Spring. It is a fertility festival which symbolizes the union between male and female forces.
2) Floralia is the celebration of Flora:
It is a fertility festival for Romans. It lasts from 28th April to 2nd May. People form a Maypole and celebrates New year.
3) International Labour Day or International Workers’ Day:
This day originated in 19th century to fight against deplorable working condition i.e. to stop working 16 hours a day. Strikes and revolutionary atmosphere continued till 2nd or 3rd May.

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