Celebrate International Fun At Work Day With Amazing Pictures, Photos, Images And Wallpapers


A joyous and playful, yet absolutely serious, effort to increase awareness of the importance of bringing a playful attitude to work – also a great way to kick off National Humor Month – all of April – now in its 37th year.

All employees bring in their baby photos or pet pictures or High School yearbook photos to post on the bulletin board. Then they guess who’s who.

They Offer  employees some unusual gifts (like free housecleaning certificates) to celebrate the day etc.

International fun at work day International fun at work day International fun at work day International fun at work day International fun at work day International fun at work day International fun at work day International fun at work day International fun at work day  International fun at work day International fun at work day International fun at work day International fun at work day International fun at work day International fun at work day International fun at work day International fun at work day International fun at work day

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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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