Celebrate Mahashivratri 2015 With Amazing SMS & Wallpapers For Facebook, WhatsApp


Celebrate Mahashivratri 2015 With Amazing SMS & Wallpapers For Facebook, WhatsApp

  1. Wishing you all a very happy Mahashivratri. God bless you all with lots and lots of happiness, your wishes will be accomplished
  2. Shivratri means auspicious darkness. Devotees must spend the night of Shivaratri by chanting with full sincerity the name of Lord Shiva and seek His divine blessings
  3. May Lord Shiva shower his benign blessings on you and your family. May happiness and peace surround you with his eternal love and strength
  4. JAI SHIV SHANKAR BHOLENATH!!! Bless us with the happy & peaceful life with noble wisdom. May there be peace in every home!!!
  5. May Lord Shiva shower blessings on all and give power and strength to everyone facing difficulties in there lives.

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Rajvi Desai

my hobby is singing.


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