Celebration Of Independence Day In India – 15 August 2014


Independence Day Messages,SMS, Wishes In English

!!!==–[email protected]=-._;
Don’t let this flag down

2.Freedom in the Mind,
Faith in the words..
Pride in our Souls..
Lets salute the Nation on Independence Day!

3.Some things just cant be expressed in wordsSome people just cant be lived without
Love can speak volumes even when words can’t
So all iam going to say is ..
I love u .
Happy Independence Day sweetheart

4.Thousands laid down their lives so
that our country is breathing this day
Never forget their sacrifice…
Happy Independence Day 2014

5.Other might have forgotten,
But never can i,
The Flag of my country
Furls very high,
Happy Independence day

6.Freedom is a Precious gift of God,
May We Always Remain Independent.

7.Work like a Gujarati;
Eat like a Rajasthani;
Sing like a Bengali;
Dance like a Punjabi;
Smile like a Kashmiri;
Live life like a Goan;
And always cherish being an Indian!

8.Today we come together,
Be the cause for the unity,
Make it Beautiful day another..
Fight against corruption,
S purl the flag of On NATION
Happy Independence Day!

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