CET’12 – CAP Round 1 Strategy


The CAP rounds start tomorrow- 6th of July (finally)

For complete schedule, please refer to: http://dte.org.in/mba/StaticPages/frmImportantDates.aspx?did=37


Understanding CAP rounds:

a. You need to fill the option form online (DTE website via your login)

b. The order in which you write the list of preferred college is extremely important. If you get the first 3 colleges on your list, you have to taken the college and cannot wait for next CAP round.

c. If you get any college written 4th or lower – it is not mandatory for you to take it. If you take it, you are out of the CAP rounds. If you do not take any college, you can still participate in the next CAP round.

d. This year, you have only 3 CAP rounds ( the third one is through counselling round at Pune). Since, the number of CAP rounds is reduced, it is not advisable to pay the waiting game.

The strategy mentioned below is for CAP round 1. The strategy is to be followed on the basis of your home university rank


For Ranks 1 to 45 : Please mention only JB on your list

For Ranks 46- 300 : Your order will be

1. JB

2. Sydenham MMS

3. Sydenham PG

4. Somaiya

5. Welingkar ( people from 1-250 can avoid writing Welingkar too)

For ranks 300-600 : 1. JB

2. Sydenham MMS

3. Sydenham PG

4. Somaiya

5. Welingkar


7. Dalmia

8. PUMBA ( this college is in Pune )

9. MET

10. Xaviers

For ranks 600- 750 : Apart from the 10 mentioned above,

11. Chetna

12. IES

13. Thakur

For ranks 750-1000 : Apart from the 13 mentioned above,

14. Lala

15. Rizvi

16. Vivekanand

17. Indira Gandhi Institute, Pune

For ranks 1000 -2000 : Apart from the 17 institutes above,

18. St. Francis

19. Alkesh Dinesh

20. Arthava

21. Bharti Vidyapeth

For ranks beyond 2000 : Apart from the 21 institutes above,

22. Jankidevi

23. RGIT

24. Babasaheb Gawde

25. MIT Pune


Strategy Designed by

Hemang Panchmatia,

Director, CREDence Academy

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