“Challenges are present in all aspects of life” says Aashiya Khan, SIES TYBMS Topper 2013


Let’s meet the Topper of SIES College, Sion West “Aashiya Khan”, BMS Topper in true sense. (81%)

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  • Coming from Arts background, how do you feel to be the College Topper of Sem 5 Exams?

I would say: “If there is a will, there is a way”. Moving from Arts domain to Business Management has not affected me greatly. In fact, it has added more artistic zest in learning business.

Initially, in Sem – I, moving from Arts to Accounts and Statistics was a little impediment for me, since the batch was mainly from commerce and science background and I was very new to accounts, but with my hardship, constant guidance from professor, my classmates and coaching classes, I managed to score 75% (5th Rank).

My academic success itself was very much motivating for me and Sem-II onwards my dedication and dream reached great heights.

Each time I was amongst the top 3 rank holders and my friends gave me a nick name “TOPPER”.

Initially, I would say for an arts background student, it might be a little struggle with accounts but with constant practice, perfection is way ahead.


  • What’s the secret of your success?

It’s simple in life or academics; always have a “SMART GOAL” which can be accomplished with a SMART methodology (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time bound).

I always aim to exceed and excel my goals each time and strategize accordingly for achieving it.

For any subject, it’s important to have a firm understanding about the basic of the subject. I “LEARN & UNLEARN”, that’s the mantra to my success. The more you understand, hypothesize, experiment and relate studies with the day to day life instances, learning becomes simpler and more process oriented. Unlike the misconception of “RATTA MAR”, I feel the more we learn, unlearn and again reseal with reality, learning is permanent and more valuable for lifetime.

I would like to share this recognition with all my faculties Prof. Archana Sanil, Prof. Anita Agrawal, Prof. Avin Shah, Prof. Mustafa Sapatwala and many more who always guided me the best path to success. Also, I would like to sincerely thank my mother who had taken lots of efforts to make my life stress free & spiritually blissful along with her healthy food & guidance. Also my Sisters Aasifa Khan & Aarifa Khan who all used to clear my doubts if I had any during my preparation. And lastly, my friends Tanmay Mehta, Ojas Barve & Jessy Fernandes who kept on motivating me constantly & resolved all my queries when so ever required.


  • Share your study methodology and tips to crack every subject?

Every subject is equally important and therefore part of BMS course curriculum. Practical, Theory, Presentations, Project work or Fieldwork all are the gamut of various fundamentals in practice.

I was doing specialization in Marketing, so learnings from current affairs, internship with the renowned corporate: Birla Sunlife Insurance Company and working on project work for an advertisement launch also helped me in understanding the subject better in practice.

For, students I would suggest, a balance of theory lectures and practising practical subject should surely support in academics.

Reading business newspaper, magazine, subscribing to online newsletter, and articles from business honchos, industrial visits are simple things that add value to studies in practice which students though ignore.

Apart from same, even social networking sites provide constant updates on the current aspects from industry: be it Twitter, Blogs, Organization websites, Facebook or networking with corporate professionals on LinkedIn. Also www.bms.co.in & www.managementparadise.com have helped me at the last moments by providing question bank and solution sets which have immensely helped me a lot

It all depends on us, how we utilize such informative marketing social-networking sites and enhance our self-learning, which is additional requirement for any management students to be globally connected with respect to business.

Overall, all these aspects supported me in studies for all subjects.


  • You have visited so many industries for projects and also completed internships at many companies. How has it helped you for moulding your career?

I am thankful to SIES College – BMS department that we students had many opportunities for industrial visits and corporate working exposures.

Industrial visits have added more knowledge to practical understanding on various subjects.

Visit to Pepsi Co. India – manufacturing unit and understanding various aspects on soft-drinks and packaged water Supply Chain Management, Quality Assurance, Operations and Retail Sales was absolutely overwhelming experience.

In B.S.N.L (Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited) – Mumbai Unit, which manufactures coin-box telephones and also into SIM manufacturing was different from a private company setup. Though, it was Govt. of India enterprise, I found them at par with any Multi National Organization.

It enhanced my production & material management concepts like Just-In Time, Kan-Ban approaches, Raw-materials, Supplier and Service management aspects which helped me in PMM (Production And Materials Management) subject.

International visit to Malaysia at Royal Selangor– World’s largest pewter company gave us an opportunity to understand the international demand and supply chain aspects, business economics, international finance, retail market for innovative design and craftsmanship from precious pewter.

Beryl’s Chocolate factory was more fulfilled learning and enjoyable with sweet memories of chocolate manufacturing, processing, innovative packaging, research and development on various product lines and market feasibility studies for chocolate industry.

Another addition to the visit was the world famous High 5 Bread Company which was into manufacturing of various types of breads for various age groups, urban marketing of breads along with the special advertising and human resource concepts added to our knowledge.

Industrial Visit to Rann Of Kutch in various small scale factories to learn about rural marketing, use of modern tools and packages through Information Technology was another such important learning platform for the BMS students.

Through all my industrial visits I gained varied knowledge about how industries work, how do they carry out manufacturing of products, how they process raw materials into finished goods. Then how is urban marketing different from rural marketing. Entire life cycle of a product and service was thus experienced.

Also I’ve successfully completed my 2 internships:

As a  Campus Representative for the website: www.BMS.co.in (Management Paradise), it helped me to develop my copy-writing skills, communications and mass media skills apart from marketing and website development which led to  “Best Intern Award” for distinguished qualities of leadership, public speaking, presentation skills, interview skills and creative writing.

For one quarter of a year, I was associated as a Summer Trainee: Marketing with Birla Sun Life Insurance and supported the project on the launch and execution of the “Insurance: Protection Solutions Plan” advertising campaign for Birla Sun Life Insurance while reporting to Chief Manager – Marketing.

It assisted me to enhance my 360° advertising sphere along with interactions with various media agencies, entire marketing team and met timely schedule for the launch process.

My individual promo banner idea was selected for the BSLI Website – New Year Event.

Through my internships, I have learned how each department in corporate works, what is back office, back-end operations, some corporate jargons which I had just read earlier in books were seen in actual practice at corporates.

I experienced that all the theory and practical’s of BMS was actually in application in corporate offices and various industrial visits.


  • You have won not only academic awards but also extra-curricular awards. Can you share few experiences while you participated in different activities?

Yes that’s true that I have won many academic as well as extracurricular awards.

I feel “Eustress” i.e positive stress is essential in life and act as a great motivator in itself.

I’m very proud of being a BMS student because they can handle many things together i.e. multi-tasking. Participate in college fests & other extracurricular activities apart from being regular & attentive student in class. These are qualities of a futuristic corporate leader.

For any human being, social life is essential part of their living. And I am apt in balancing my “Intellectual” & “Emotional” quotient for a happy life.

I enjoy studying every aspects of business management along with my friends in group as well as in college. This is the secret of my studies and a delightful life.

Few of my noted achievements are as follows:

-Being a 1st Runners Up for Product Launch: SIES College- 2nd position in the “Product Launch” as a Marketing Management Assignment, organized by Rotract Club of SIES.

-College Prize for Academic Prize Winner (SYBMS): Overall Best Performer for the year 2011-2012.

J A Titan Business Simulation Competition (Deloitte India).

Best Intern Award (BMS.co.in)


  • What are the challenges in a BMS student’s life and how do you overcome them?

Challenges are present in all aspects of life, but “Perseverance” and “Resilience” shall always lead to a path of success.

In the T.Y- BMS: academic schedule is laden with assignments, presentations, projects, vivas, class-activities & internals.

Time-management, setting priorities and leading a stress-free healthy life is essential to overcome same.

“Fun with Learning” and “Friends Group Support” is essential aspect for circumventing all the challenges together as a team.

We are a great team of BMS friends and we made learning more creative, assignments more enjoyable through various role-plays, resolving queries, did combine studies, worked smartly and practised a lot for our presentation which was also appreciated by externals and received standing occasion as well.

Together, we excelled each assignment from marketing product in college to launching our own website: wedding planners for Computer Application In Business subject (FYBMS) or for the PQM subject where we made a short trailer of a movie or be it the famous 6 thinking hats in our FHS presentation.

We have relished making them all and outshined it. We spent quality time with friends as well as completed our projects on time.

So ye to bass nazariye ki hi baat hai…

Our faculties have also supported us timely to resolve all our queries and guided us academically and motivated emotionally.

coordinator and faculty

Prof. Archana Sanil (Coordinator), Aashiya Khan and Prof. Anita Agrawal

  • What is your aim in life?

My aim in life is to be a successful Marketing Manager and lead the way towards Chief Marketing Officer in a Multi-National Company.

Post BMS, I would be joining a MNC in Marketing domain for a period of two to three years to have a corporate marketing and advertising experience.

Later on, I shall pursue MBA-Marketing (Brand Management) from a reputed institute in India.

Moving then to again join the corporate ladder and outshine the Marketing world with all my learning’s and experiences.


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