Chalo TYBMSites! Jo Hoga Dekha Jayega!!


From the past 1 week, all BMSites are worried and keep on looking at MU website if the results have come or not and also with rumors spreading about the results being delayed or would be declared soon creating lots of confusions!

Since now we are nearing the TYBMS Sem 6 Results date and being tensed the whole day with lots of thoughts going in mind whether I will pass or fail or get KT in OR and IF or what will be my % and so on;

just a message to you guys from our side is——

Don’t worry, everything  will work out in the end. Whatever happens on the results day, it will all work out for the best in the end as God has a “Future and Hope” for everyone!!

If any queries or problems you all are facing, feel free to contact – [email protected]

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