Chanakya – The Political Scientist Of India


Chanakya was born in 3rd century B.C. in India, physically thin and weak but with great vision and ideas in mind.  He also had to other names that’s vishnugupta and kautilya. Chanakya was varied  specialized in fields like management, economies, politics, law, leadership, governance, warfare, military tactics, accounting systems and several others.

Chanakya was educated and worked as a teacher at Takshshila University in the state of Gandhar.Chanakya has classified 6000 sutras into 150 books, 150 chapters and 180 topics by chanakya himself. Nanda dynasty was destroyed by Chanakya with help of his student Chandragupta Maurya and later king of the most powerful nation called Magadha. The great Alexander was defeated by chanakya with his mastermind. During his time India was split into various small kingdoms.

chanakya (1)

As a political thinker he was the first to visualize the concept of a ‘nation’ for first time India. He believed in akhanda bharat (United India). He brought all the small kingdoms together under central governance thus creating a nation called ‘Aryavartha’. He documented his lifelong work in his book Kautilya’s Arthashastra and Chanakya Niti.

The techniques, methods and  Arthashastra is  followed and applied by rulers across the world for building a nation on sound economics, based on spiritual values. Arthashastra when literally translated means “scripture of wealth” but it contains knowledge about every subject under the sun. It’s the knowledge of wealth and a wealth of knowledge. Chanakya has proved that a man can win the world or create an empire with just losing his mental strength.

– Bhargesh Jani

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