Changing Scenario of Consumer Markets


As the current scenario of consumer market is being different. Due to liberalization many multinational corporations are coming with the new techniques of customer service and retention of the customers, and gaining confidence of the customer. Now the market is treated as a kingdom and customer as a royal guest. The presenting companies have to look after the royal customer so they can survive in kingdom.  The market being a huge and the competition between the rival presenting companies are huge with different technique so the company who wants to get the royal customer loyalty have to plan its strategies accordingly. Many companies feel that they are much known for there product or service and that’s the point where they lose there customer as they do plan for there customer. As if the companies want to get it best for their product and service they must make an image in mind of customer that they are customer focus companies and the best example is

Vodafone with the tag of “HAPPY TO HELP U”….

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