Charlize Theron And Sean Penn : Love Birds Planning To Get Married!!



There is a profound saying, “Love is blind”!

It sees no age, no color, no caste.

The Oscar-winning pair started dating seriously and now considering tying the knot.
Love between top Hollywood actress, 38yrs old Charlize Theron and two time Award winner, 53yrs old Sean Penn has blossomed and like how!They are so much in love that they have finally decided to take the next leap and get married. The two began talking about marriage in the last few weeks, after Sean moved into Charlie’s house.

Isn’t it awesome?

Both being grand celebs in their own right, have known each other for 18yrs and have been great friends. Infact Charlize had an affair going on for 9long years but broke off with her former beau Stuart Townsend, in 2010! Can you beat it? 9yrs is a pretty long time! But being in a mature was that she is, she didn’t let herself fall apart. She gathered herself and moved with life. She adopted a baby boy, Jackson who just turned two. Thus in a way she got busy with her work and motherhood. She wasn’t looking for love but love found its way on her life.

Sean, who was once married to Madonna way back in 80s, also didn’t expect such sparks to fly between them. He was just working with Charlize in a movie called A million ways To Die in the West, and soon felt his heart beating a different beat. During the shoot he was just enjoying a friends company and spending time with her son .That time he founded himself in love with 18yrs old friend.

Both have just started promoting their next movie together when Charlize revealed the good news. She even said, “It was nice to be single and now it’s nice to be not single!”such simple words to express deeply felt happiness.

Now that they have decided, let us hope their marriage becomes one grand affair! Something that not only both them as a couple, but as their fans we would also cherish and look forward to.

Best wishes for both of you!!



By Shamim Noorani.

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