Charlize Theron hosted Saturday Night Live after 14 years



The 38-year-old-actress, Charlize theron the South African born beauty who hosted Saturday Night Live on Saturday at NBC Studios in New York City for the second time, made fun of the fact that she can do everything besides singing.

She hasn’t hosted Saturday Night Live since 2000, which was like 14 years ago and a performance which very few people actually remember. Her singing part in that sketch kept getting reduced until she realized, she can’t sing.

Which the writers apparently thought was hilarious because guys, Charlize Theron can do everything from Winning Oscars to Starring in dramas ,  Starring in comedies! But… can’t sing. Ha, ha!

She sang a song relating to her beauty , funny nature and that she is a great dancer and good in bed but sadly not a great singer.

At one point during Charlize’s opening act she even throws in a few words of Afrikaans; “Dis so maklik!”.

According to the experts Charlize rocked her appearance and the audience was awestruck.

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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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