Chelsea Fans This One’s For You: Premier League Predictions 2014-15


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So the premier league is not far away with 20 teams will be battling each other. EPL is getting tougher and tougher, 5 years ago it used to be Manchester United as the title challengers and either Arsenal, Chelsea or Liverpool giving them a challenge for the top spot. Now things have changed, there are no more 2-3 challengers and there is no more domination of Man Utd, there are 5-6 teams regarded as the title challengers. Let us have a prediction on Chelsea’s next season.

Chelsea Football Club


There is no surprise that Jose Mourinho has that credentials to win trophies and that is the reason he is one of the best managers in the world. Last season Chelsea finished 3rd, they played without a world class striker with Eto’o, Torres and Ba not good enough while Lukaku was loaned out to Everton, this season Chelsea has bought Diego Costa from La Liga Champions Atletico Madrid. Costa is that hard working physically strong striker that Chelsea required, he was just behind Ronaldo and Messi in goals scored last season, so he is surely a man who is going to score goals with the assists he will be getting from the likes Hazard, Oscar, Willian.

Chelsea has also improved midfield by buying out of favor CescFabregas from Barcelona, the same guy who used to be the main man of Chelsea’s fiercest London rivals Arsenal.Fabregas would be a great replacement to Frank Lampard who had been a legend of a midfielder for Chelsea from so many years.Fabregas has that experience of Premier League which will help Chelsea a lot.


As per defense is concerned, Chelsea sold David Luiz for 50m to PSg, well he is surely not that quality player who only some will miss.Mourinho has stated that he will buy more and Chelsea’s defense is not really that weak though they will require one centre back as they will be fighting for 4 trophies next season

Overall there is no doubt Chelsea will be finishing in top 3, The Squad has thequality, talent, experience and they have the ‘Special One’ managing this team. I predict Chelsea to be winning the next Barclays Premier League.

– Jainam Jhaveri

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