Chennai Bomb Blast : 1 killed, 11 injured



At Chennai Central Railway station, 2 bombs went off on Thursday in 2 coaches of Guwahati-Bangalore Express. 1 woman passenger was killed, 2 seriously injured and 11 others were minorly injured.

The blasts took place at 7.45 AM in S-4 and S-5 sleeper coaches after the train arrived at the platform number 9.

The injured were taken to Rajiv Gandhi General hospital across the road. Bomb disposal squad and dog squad have been pressed into action. Police are identifying the nature of the blast and people behind it. 

The Railway Minister has announced an ex-gratia of Rs one lakh to the family of dead woman, Rs 25,000 for grievously injured and Rs 5,000 for those with minor injuries.

The Railway has started a help line 044-25357398 to render assistance to relatives of passengers.

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