On the Eve of Ramadan, Chennai Express is being released on Thursday. Rates are high then usual, though to make it special and interesting , people are already booking their tickets. A film which includes Fun, Humor, Thrill, Action, and Specially SRK. Eid is a special festival for all the muslims, and as Salman was known to release his movies from past 3 years , people were looking for something interesting. They never knew that it would be this interesting.
I am done watching Chennai Express today, and the movie is too good.I am not a Fan of SRK, but yes its a True appreciation from me to SRK, for the work he has done in this movie. Its not a one time watch , you wont ever get bored watching it. Starting off with comic scenes, there it adds romance and action together in the later half. People who are still having a question on their mind whether to go or not with such high rates, I will advice that they should definitely go for it, spend some bucks on this special eve, entertain your self, your friends and colleagues, family etc
1st Half is more interesting then the 2nd one as it just asks for our attention. No one would ever get bored watching this movie. Will Rate this movie 4.5/5.
“Youngsters are the most discerning audience. They want entertainment, they want issues.”