Chic hairdos for the chillyscenes


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With every season’s change comes the liberty to experiment with our attire and hair-styles. There has been so much transition and some new,chic hair-styles which you can try. Some old ones which are here to stay. Here are some trendy hairdo’s you can try for winter:-

1. Hairstyles with Bangs:




Whether it is short bangs, side-swept bangs, framing bangs, blunt bangs, flirty medium bangs or asymmetrical bangs,the bang hairstyles can get you all the heads turn.You will look sizzling this winter!


2. Wavy hairstyle:


The wavy hairstyle is indeed an alluring and feminine one.The shiny curls and soft tossing waves beautifully flatter the facial features while the top section of the hair is pulled back and secured with pins at the nape of the neck.


3. The Updo Hairstyle:




Updo hairstyles are not only feel-safe options for formal occasions but they also look elegant, classic, stylish and glamorous. This can definitely be called one of the most popular of the latest winter hairstyles.


4. Poker straight hairstyle:




Poker straight ironed hair never goes out of fashion. Those with longer hair can attempt this stunning hairstyle with professional hair straighteners. However, one needs to have healthy and shiny hair to carry off this hairstyle with panache.


5. Sleek side-swept hairstyle:




This totally feminine hairstyle looks ultra glammed up on all types of hair and suits almost women of all ages. The side-swept look of the winter haircuts is ruling the roost!


6. Beehive hairstyle:




This is the perfect hairstyle for party out. It comes under the category of half-up hairstyles where the top sections of the hair are pulled around to the crown and secured with bobby pins or clips at the back of the head. The top is teased up and out with some portion of the front section being left loose to impart a softened look to the face.


7. Short Bob with Fringe:




The traditional bob hairstyle can be personalized and imparted with a modern look by adding lighter touches of color to the fringes and the ends.


8. Long Bob with Fringe:




Hairstyle with longer hair at the front and shorter at the back is one of the hottest trends this winter. These lengthy fringes coupled with graduated ends look classic.


9. Long straight high Ponytail hairstyle:




The traditional pony tail has acquired its updated version in the form of the long straight high ponytail hairstyle. This is perfect for poker straight hair secured firmly at the back with an elastic band.



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Riya Lokhande


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