Child Sex Trafficking


Child Sex Trafficking

Sexual exploitation is an issue that is faced among many developing countries and is defined as “the sexual abuse of children and youth through the exchange of sex or sexual acts for drugs, food, shelter, protection, other basics of life, and/or money”. Often young girls are taken from their homes and sold as items to become sex slaves and even forced into prostitution.

India is also the victim of this devil. Many children of our MOTHER INDIA have been pulled in this cruel web. It’s said that ‘INDIA IS THE WORLDS’ HUB FOR CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING’

This may seem bad enough, but sexual exploitation is not always forced. Out of desperation, some parents will even sell their kids off to be sexually abused, in order to be able to acquire the basic necessities of life. As the parents are likely to have been sexually abused as children, generations to come are forced to live in this seemingly never-ending cycle of selling their children into sexual exploitation and abuse.

No person has right to force any child in this cycle, even their parents don’t have it. Unfortunately in India every year around 40000 children are abducted. Every 8 minutes a GIRL CHILD goes missing in India.

According to the International Labour Organization, sexual exploitation of children includes all of the following practices and activities:

  • “The use of girls and boys in sexual activities remunerated in cash or in kind (commonly known as child prostitution) in the streets or indoors, in such places as brothels, discotheques, massage parlours, bars, hotels, restaurants, etc.”
  • “The trafficking of girls and boys and adolescents for the sex trade”
  • “Child sex tourism”
  • “The production, promotion and distribution of pornography involving children”


Many people are involved in the act of child sexual exploitation. It takes quite a few people to run a brothel and procure the children. Four parties are identified as being involved in a transaction in the child sex market: the perpetrator, the vendor, the facilitator, and the child. Perpetrators are those who partake in sex tourism and trafficking. The perpetrators are most often men who try to “rationalize their sexual involvement with children.” The vendors are the procurers and pimps of the children. Under their reign profit is maximized and trafficking itself is made possible. The facilitators are those who allow for child sex trafficking to occur. Parents who sell their daughters to vendors fall into this category. The child is the most essential figure in this process. Due to varying definitions across the globe it is difficult to differentiate between sexual abuse of a child and child prostitution. Also, every country and culture has its own way of determining when a child is no longer considered a minor.


Prevention by education:-One of the many ways to aid in the prevention of child sexual exploitation is through education. Other efforts involve educating police personnel. Public education is must. Because child sexual exploitation is driven by demand it is “crucial to raise the perceptions of consumers about the harm that is caused. Other efforts include simply educating potential victims about the tactics recruiters often use.


Today many laws have been established to stop this trafficking but the questions has still not got its answer… WHAT IS THE FAULT OF THOSE INNOCENTS? ARE PARENTS SO HELPLESS THAT THEY HAVE TO SELL THEIR OWN CHILD? WILL THE RULES AND REGULATIONS CHANGE THE MINDSET OF SUCH PARENTS?

They say, “SAVE GIRL CHILD”, sometimes I feel to ask them ‘ Save them for what.. to sell their character and make themselves a object to earn’?

Think over it…

Published by Shweta Agarwal

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  1. It is really a serious issue you have put forth! excellent job!
    Awareness from every level is must!
    It would make a difference surely! 🙂

  2. Best article I have read so far…. This issue is almost ignored ….. #respect women# ….. Even this things r gng on in our country. …. Feeling ashamed …
    High time … We have to take step…
    Good job Sayali Mokal ….. Ur article was really inspirational…..

  3. Proper execution of relevant laws by governing authitities will somewhat ease this issue, provided there is enough will power to do so.. which unfortunately is lacking, as it is for so many similar issues like these, child labour, street childrens who can be potential criminals and so on . But this will be more of a reactive measure. The root of this is poverty which is why parents have to sell thier child and this poverty issue is linked to generic issue of overall development in developing countries like ours, we can only keep trying and be optimistic to have this all changed one day.

    But still it is nice to see someone writing on the situation. Good article, good research.

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