Childrens’ Day SMS Quotes 14 November 2014 in Hindi, English


Childrens’ Day SMS Quotes 14 November 2014 in Hindi, English

Children Day  (12) (640x401)





1) Desh ke Pragaty ke hum hai Aadar
Hum karenge Cha Cha Nehru ke Sapne Sahakar
Happy Children’s Day


2) Childhood is
An enchanting vista
An endless fun
A joyful classroom
An experience
An era of imagination
An artistic journey
An ode to love
A happy moment
Happy Children’s Day
All those moments of innocent wonders
of enjoying as if there is no tomorrow
of sharing whatever little we possessed
it seems it was only yesterday
on Children’s Day I wish
all your memories
put a smile on your face
Happy Children’s Day!
Children are the image of God
Let’s celebrate the spirit of childhood on this
International Children’s Day…..


3) Such a treasure your precious child is,
Who will thrive on every hug and kiss.
Hold them close and sing them songs;
they will only be a child for so long.
Happy Children’s Day…..



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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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