China To Build The World’s Tallest And Most Eco-Friendly Building


china building

China is reviewing plans form UK architecture firm Chetwoods to build the world’s tallest and the most eco-friendly building ever. The plan called “phoenix Towers” would be 3,281 feet tall, beating the current highest tower which is 2,717 feet – The Burj Khalifa in Dubai. Phoenix towers would also solve severe pollution problems in the country.

The name “Phoenix Towers” comes from the UK firm’s desire to resurrect the city of Wuhan, China out of its ashes. The towers would use a complex water and air filtration system, collect and utilize wind, solar, and hydrogen power, produce crops from the largest vertical farm in the world, harvest rainwater, boil biomass, house businesses and restaurants, and solve any other ecological problems that face the highly polluted city. It is more than a symbol of architectural and ecological progression, but a practical solution to the environmental issues in China.

The two towers in the project combine Western technology and architecture to the CHines legends of the phoenix. Both the towers represent the dual gender of the mythical bird in Eastern iconography, and the spirit of rebirth is evident throughout the eight hectares of the half-mile high structures. The towers are designed to attract tourism to boost the economy and reimburse the costs of construction.

The towers are set to be constructed on an artificial island and to have a pink colour, to reflect the picturesque sunsets of the area. The project is estimated to cost upwards of $2 billion.


–         By Anand Thakkar


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