Choose the perfect Career in 6 very simple steps.



Choosing the right career becomes a tricky task and you need to manage it properly, your entire life depends on. It really isn’t as difficult as it sounds you only need to know yourself a little better. A little introspection and a little research might lead you to the right track, without any fuss.

You may have cleared school or college unsure about what to take up as a career option and that is very common. You are not any less than the rest because you have doubts and ask questions.

Follow these 6 simple steps and choose the perfect career:

1. Ask yourself: 

Firstly find out what you want to be. Now that isn’t difficult at all since childhood we all have had dreams of what we wanted to be and as years went by we could evaluate, whether we actually had the potential to reach that goal or not.

2. Zone of Interest:

Once that is done find out where your interests lie and zero in on career options will give you that sort of opportunities. A person who loves to travel will be comfortable in a marketing related career where as a person who love to deal with people might hit it off well as a teacher.

3. Personality check:

After interests comes your personality. Frankly analyze your personality and find out whether you are an introvert or an extrovert. Introverts would prefer a job where they don’t have to deal with a lot of people, restricted to their comfort zone and the set of people they are used to maybe a back office job or some finance related job that doesn’t involve dealing with a lot of people and you could be engrossed in your numbers and balance sheets peacefully.

An extrovert on the other hand can go in for HR or Mass Media related professions. Becoming a lawyer or a doctor are broad examples of the likes of an extrovert person. Basically some place where you have scope for limelight and public interaction.

4. Skill set:

Next up analyze your skills and evaluate whether you can develop a particular kind of current skill set or not. A person who hates accounts shouldn’t want to become a C.A and someone who hates writing should not try out as a journalist.

5. Current Status:

Go through your qualifications and education and find out the logical continuation to your bachelors course or plus two stream. Make sure that just because you are a BMS graduate you don’t take up an MBA course. Along with your current status keep all the above pointers in mind and zero in the few options that you want to choose.

6. Futuristic thoughts:

Finally think about your future and where do you see yourself in the next 5-10 years. Not necessarily will an airhostess or a model be able to retail her looks and be in the same profession for a long time. Or may be a person working excruciatingly hard in a law firm would want to have a family and spend his evenings with his kinds at home. Think about your future plans and take decisions accordingly.

Keep in mind:

  • The field of education you have taken might not always be the one in which you choose to make a career.
  • Dreaming big and dreaming different isn’t wrong at all.
  • Branching out and breaking the stereotype is ok as long as it makes you happy.
  • Have a very practical approach and ensure that you don’t end up losing precious years of your life in trying to catch a dream you aren’t made for.
  • Getting into a profession, getting bored of it and wanting to switch lanes mid-way is alright, but making that a habit is stupidity.
  • Be very realistic and frank with yourself about your personality and your circumstances, it will make life a lot easier.
  • Talk to a lot of people, who are in the profession you plan to choose, get to know what working in that field is all about, as real life work as very different than what textbooks teach in class.

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


  1. Does game development and graphic designing/animation have any value in India ?
    If NO then please suggest an appropriate career/courses ?
    I am pursuing TYBMS but i have an interest in visual media. like I KNOW to make banners/ advertisement/ concept design / product design/ animation/ crafting 3D models / animation and Game development. I was planing to do MBA in marketing/advertising . would i get a satisfaction if i joined this courses ??
    or are there any more alternatives ?