Choose Your Hairstyle As Per Your Face Cut And Get The Perfect Look!



I have seen many people who have weird hairstyles, which are completely confused sitting on their head even if it doesn’t suit their face cut! I know everyone wants to try different styles but why such an injustice to your beautiful face cut? Have a look at these tips to choose your perfect hairstyle, which will definitely match your face cut.

1. Round Face: Round Faces don’t have a lot of choice in hairstyles, but there is always a solution! If you have a round face, then you should experiment with bangs. Bangs don’t always mean equal one’s as they make your face look even more round and chubby. Instead cut your bangs in a manner that they are side swept and this will make your face look leaner and longer.

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2. Oval Face: Oval faces have a hell lot of choices because almost every hairstyle is like just perfectly suited! If you have an oval face, then you can pull off any hairstyle and any hair shape! Try blunt cuts, layers, bangs, angled-ends, short lengths etc. The list just goes on, so don’t be afraid to try a new look!

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3. Square Face: If you are have a square shaped face then you probably have an angular jaw. If this is true, then textured hairstyle is just for you. Why have boring hairstyles when textures like short spiky cuts, curls and choppy ends look wonderful on you? NEVER go for blunt cuts, because am sure you don’t want that disastrous style on your head at any cost!


4. Long Face: If you have a long face, then obviously you don’t want a style that will make your face look even longer and pulled down. Right? You should try some brow skimming bangs or chin length bob cut, which will make your face look broad. Just don’t go for a pixie cut because it will make you look like a small girl!

5. Heart-Shaped Face: I love this face shape the most and find it adorable, whereas some girls find it annoying because of the pointy chin. Try hairstyles which will draw attention to your eyes and cheekbones. Side swept fringe or long layers will work wonders. AVOID blunt bangs and short hairstyles!

What is your face shape and which is your favorite hairstyle? Share your opinion on this.

– Saloni Tolia

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