Choosing The Right Neckpiece As Per Your Face Cut



Neckpieces,  no doubt glam up the look  but to make a really smashing, sparkling appearance, it’s also worth choosing a necklace that complements the shape of your face.


A Round or Full Face: Lengthen Your Look

 To add length to your look, choose necklaces that fall below the collar bone – such as silver necklaces with large links or small gemstones. The current fashion of wearing several silver and gold-filled link necklaces is especially recommended.

Avoid: Chokers and short necklaces, as well as large or rounded gemstones such as pearls.


A Long Face: Broaden Your Look

To broaden and soften your look, choose shorter necklaces with delicate gemstones, such as cultured pearls, or geometric gold-filled and silver beads. Rounded gemstones in any hue are also recommended.

Avoid: Long, small-link necklaces.


A Square Face: Soften Your Look

Since square faces are best complemented by length and softness, choose a necklace with a dominant round or oval pendant or just one central gemstone. A T-style necklace or a longer strand of pearls will look good, as will any necklace longer than 42 centimeters – especially if strung with a deep but soft-toned gemstone like green aventurine.

Avoid: Chokers.


 A Heart-Shaped Face: Balance Your Look

You’ll look best in a choker or shorter necklace, especially one with a dangling pendant, as these create the fullness you need to balance a narrow chin. You can also wear a necklace with prominent gemstones, for a wider look.

Avoid: Geometric shapes, or pendants that end in a point.


 An Oval Face: Brighten Your Look

 If you’ve been blessed with an oval face, almost any necklace will look great on you.  Nevertheless, you can enhance your look by wearing a necklace with large, bold-colored gemstones or a playful mix of gemstones.

Avoid: Delicate necklaces with small gemstones.



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Riya Lokhande


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