Cinema: ‘Zeropanti’



Shirtless, with a muscular tone the actor seems to be cruising on his bike, all the way saving the heroine (who seems to be disgusted by his over confidence.) and unable to contain herself she asks “tu apne aap ko hero samazta hai kya?” (Do you see yourself as a hero?). No need to repeat the hero’s reply, which producer assumed could draw applause. Producer proved wrong once again!!

Trailer is just a miniature of hint about the dumbness of the movie.

Wherein the director relied on the looks of Tiger Shroff for success they clearly forgot to characterise Kriti in appropriate manner. Even despite of all this, Heropanti received a mixed response. It would be safe to say that the amount of expenditure incurred on promotion, the derived result was not that welcoming.

Promotion from various media channels and shows provided a wave of excitement, but that soon faded with the movie release. However the release of X-men also diverted the crowd from Heropanti.

Jakkie’s personally came forward to launch his son, but the way he managed himself on stage and the message he delivered was not sufficient. Somewhere he got carried away that he started elaborating gossips of his Golden days.

However, Tiger has shown some commitment that would not go unnoticed and would easily be helpful in near future. With his chocolate boyish innocent looks he could easily manage to pull a string of girls to cinema house. He just needs to careful what role he signs for.

As far as Heropanti is concerned, it has hit the box office on the weekend and earned lot of revenue for producers, but the critic’s affirmation is thing that they lack.


                                                                                                                                                -Vibhav Galadagekar

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