Classic and the Evergreen Mughal-e-Azam


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Mughal-e-Azam is one of the costliest film ever produced by Bollywood it was made at budget of 1 crore 50 lakhs in 1960 at that the time the average budget of the film was around 5-10 lakhs. This classic film was took 15 years in the making of the film & most of producers declared themselves as bankrupt. But all these hard work was paid off when the film was released & the success it achieved. It has received many accolades & is the first Bollywood film to get re-released in color version.

Mughal e Azam film still

Mughal-e-Azam was directed by K. Asif & produced by Shapoorji Pallonji. Starring Prithviraj Kapoor, Dilip Kumar & Madhubala, the epic film follows the love affair between the prince Salim (Dilip Kumar) & Anarkali (Madhubala) a court dancer. Salim’s father, Emperor Akbar (Prithviraj Kapoor) disapproves their relationship which leads to a war between father & son.


The development of Mughal-e-Azam began in 1944 when Asif read a play of set in the reign of Emperor Akbar (1556-1605). After much delay the film finally released on 5th August 1960 & was a huge hit, the people gathered queue for whole day to buy tickets & it broke all the records at the box-office & became the highest grossing film of all time in Bollywood history & held the record for more than 15 years. The film is considered as milestone of its genre earning praises from critics & audiences.


This is regarded as one of those rare which are made from souls & all the actors give their soul to the film to get the best performances. This is truly a classic & will remain one of the greatest 7 classic Bollywood of all time.


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Ayesha Patel


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