Classical Management Theories


Classical Management Theories focused on the efficiency of the workforce with little regard for the human element.
a. Scientific management theorists include:
• Frederick W. Taylor was known as the father of Scientific Management, the emphasis was efficiency. His belief was that management should plan, select, train, and control, while workers should perform.
• Lillian and Frank Gilbreth followed Taylor’s approach. They developed a system for classifying hand motions into 18 elements known as therblig.
• Henry L. Gantt became concerned with the human side; he developed the Gantt chart in 1917.
• William H. Leffingwell applied principles to office work in his book Scientific Office Management.
b. Administrative management focused on what good managers do:
• It was originated by Henri Fayol in his book General and Administrative Management. He set forth a list of 14 principles.
• Max Weber described ideal organization as a bureaucracy.

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