Cleansers, Toners & Moisturizers : Have a glowing skin!


Not everyone wants to spend a fortune on expensive beauty products or do not trust the chemical-based marketed beauty products. To have a flawless and glowing skin is every woman’s desire. You do not need to step out and go to the market to search for the best cleansing, toning and moisturizing products.  Here are some awesome natural solutions; the products and ingredients for you to trust and invest in.


Cleansers are formulated to cleanse your skin of dirt and oil, pollution and make-up, removing impurities from your pores. Cleansing is the first step in having the glow on your skin.

1. Honey

Honey, especially raw and unpasteurized, is a fabulously versatile and all natural ingredient, to clean your skin. It is full of anti-oxidants that exfoliate your skin to bring out a radiant and glowing complexion.


Mix honey, a tablespoon of lemon juice and water & then thin it out. Apply this mixture directly to your skin and rinse it after 15-20mins. This will reduces oil secretion and breakouts & give you a smooth touch.

2. Baking Soda, Jojoba Oil and Essential Oil


Oils have a plethora of amazing uses for everything from pampering yourself to cleaning and helping with various ailments. Make a quick facial cleanser by combining baking soda, Jojoba oil and other essential oils. To clean your face, apply this mixture to your damp face, and then wash after sometime. This multi-purpose cleanser will improve complexion, reduce acne and blemishes and give you clear skin.


While toner can be an important part of a skin care routine, it tends to be the most confusing aspect of the regimen. Toners aren’t just for perking up skin, some can also correct imbalances.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar and Aloe Vera


A quick toner can be made by composing half cup of liquid aloe vera and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Apply this on your face after washing it thoroughly.  It will absorb the excess oil from the surface of your skin and remove the leftover traces of dirt and cleansers. This toner will help to clean and tighten your skin pores, as well as keep acne at bay. This is also a great natural makeup remover as well.

2. Rose water


Generations of women have used rose water as part of their skin care regime. It has astringent like properties, which is why it is used after facials and clean ups to close open pores. Applying rose water after steaming tightens capillaries reduces redness and blotchiness. The best and easiest way to use it is to apply it at night. It helps clear all impurities that your face has collected through the day.

3. Vegetable and Fruit Juices

A well-balanced juice can provide your body with easily absorbable nutrients, health-boosting photochemical and a quick source of energy. Some fruits and vegetables, such as cucumber and strawberry, act as natural astringents and can be applied directly to the face.




If your skin is dull and has a tendency to flake, the last thing you want is to make it more dehydrated. Moisturizer can play a key role in both adding water to the skin and keeping it hydrated. 

1. Orange Juice, Lemon Juice and Yoghurt

 download (1)

Mix together Orange Juice, Lemon Juice and Yoghurt and smooth onto face. Allow to remain on for five minutes, and then rinse off with warm water. Zesting up your yogurt facial by adding a tablespoon of fresh citrus fruit gives the pack an extra refreshing punch.

2. Glycerin/Milk Cream


Commercial products also usually contain glycerin, as it helps to keep the skin soft. So, apply this directly to the face and rinse off.  Adding moisturizer means that a liquid now fills the air gap between the dry skin flakes and the skin rather than just air, this liquid has a closer refractive index to that of skin and as such helps to transmit light rather than reflect it.

3. Avocados


This yummy fruit is the storehouse of many amazing nutrients, proteins and vitamins, which will replenish your skin and keep it smooth. Mash one ripe avocado and apply its paste on your face, to enjoy its skin moisturizing benefits. Just rinse it off after 15 minutes to reveal soft, hydrated and glowing skin.

-Tanvi Shah

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Smita Singh


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