Climb High On Life’s Ladder The Branson Way!


virgin atlantic1

Virgin Atlantic, Virgin records, virgin mobile, Virgin express and many more…

Ever wondered about the man behind these successful ventures: Mr.Richard Branson. Here are few qualities that made him the man he is:

#Start young!!

At the age of 16 when everybody is busy handling teenage nuisance he decided to set him apart and have his own magazine instead At the age of 20, he set up a mail-order record business. At the age 22, he opened a chain of record stores, Virgin Records, later known as Virgin Megastores  Branson’s Virgin brand grew rapidly during his 30’s, as he set up Virgin Atlantic and expanded the Virgin Records music label.

richard branson

#Your son would either end up in prison or become a millionaire!

Yes, that’s what Branson’s headmaster told his parents he ended up being the latter. It’s okay to be crazy but remember to be a sane kind of crazy it will take you places.

#Life is a battle not an action movie

Exactly life is a battle not an action movie you have to fight your own complexes heroes will not help you. The business magnate that we are talking about was dyslexic. It’s clear that he strived hard to get himself here nothing comes easy.

#Words of wisdom by the man himself

Mr. Richard Branson has authored  many  books few of them include losing my virginity (an autobiography), Screw it let’s do it, Business stripped bare, reach for the skies, screw business as usual, the virgin way, Like a virgin.

 – Khyati Kotiytan


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